How Diabetes Education Can Improve Your Mental Health

Episode #45

On Episode #44, I gave an overview of the three pillars of emotional health with T1D. You can listen to that episode HERE.

On this episode, I do a deep dive into pillar #1: Diabetes Education.

Diabetes education can have an enormous impact on your psychological well-being. If you don't understand T1D and how to manage it, you will feel lost and overwhelmed. Once you get steady on your feet with your diabetes, you will be in a much better place.

On this episode of The Diabetes Psychologist podcast, I talk about why good diabetes education is the only way to set yourself up for success on your T1D and mental health journey. I talk about how diabetes education can make you more confident, reduce your anxiety and give you hope that your life with T1D can get better.  You will learn how to figure out what kind of education you need (there are more than you think) and how to find resources that meet your needs.

Find out more about The Diabetes Psychologist at and on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist.