Improving Your Mindset in the Long Game of Diabetes & Mental Health

How are you feeling right now in your life with diabetes and mental health? 

(ex: stressed, overwhelmed, strong, confident, tired, content, burnout, etc.)


Take a moment to check in with yourself because your mindset and feelings around your diabetes and mental health are valid and important. Diabetes is a long game, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from enjoying your life. There may be times when you want to throw in the towel, but this will only make the mental health challenges of diabetes even harder. You are in the game and it will take time and effort to find the tools and mindset that work for you to manage your diabetes and mental health, but the payoff is worth it. We are in this game together!

In this episode of the Diabetes Psychologist Podcast, I discuss the importance of thinking about diabetes and mental health as a long game and share tools to support you as you strengthen your knowledge and understanding of your relationship with diabetes. 


My book, Diabetes Sucks and You Can Handle It, can now be purchased on Amazon or from my website, Follow The Diabetes Psychologist on Instagram @thediabetespsychologist and join The Diabetes Psychologist Community on Facebook.