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 Free eBook To Help You Manange the Stress of T1D

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Get Your FREE Guide & Start on Your Journey to Freedom Today! 

In This eBook You'll Discover:

✅ Insight into how the stress of T1D holds you back and practical steps to break free, opening the door to living the life you've always wanted.

✅ Strategies to create an inspiring vision for a future free from the stress of T1D, filled with hope and actionable goals.

✅ A clear, step-by-step roadmap to integrate this proven path into your life, starting today—designed for immediate action and long-term success.

Hi! I'm Dr. Mark Heyman

I am a diabetes psychologist, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), and I have been living with T1D for over 24 years.

Living with T1D is not easy.

But when fear of low blood sugar isn't getting in your way, life with T1D becomes a whole lot easier.

My goal is to help you conquer your fear of lows so you can find the freedom and flexibility in your life that you're looking for.

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